

Staying the Course: Perspectives on Sticking to the Plan During Market Upheaval

By Makena Strategy Insights Letter, Research

The events of 2018 generated concern in investment performance and newspaper headlines alike; the worst year in equity markets since the GFC was intensified by constant reminders of geopolitical unease. In our latest Strategy Insights letter, we turn to two legends of passive investing to remind us that maintaining discipline in the face of hardship pays handsomely in the long term.

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Makena Capital ESG Report 2018

By Makena ESG Report 2018, Research

We believe the formal incorporation of ESG considerations into our investment activities sharpens our ability to identify potential risks and opportunities leading to attractive long-term risk-adjusted returns. As such, we feel it is imperative to partner with best-in-class managers whose objectives and culture are aligned with our own.

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The Road Ahead for China

By Research, White Paper

The Chinese growth “miracle” is enabled by a series of policies that purposefully distort input markets in order to facilitate industrial development. In order to transition to a consumer-led economy, China needs to dismantle the distortions it put into place that led to the Chinese growth boom. That is a tall order.

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